Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Thu DB (Video Presentation)_ Justice And Global Issues

Thu DB (Video Presentation)_ Justice And Global Issues

Q Hello, myself Gene Taguchi and the issue I have chosen is “Poverty Aid: Should we all regularly give some of our money to charities like Oxfam, Unicef, or Kiva that help the world’s poor?”

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People have different opinion about whether or not we should donate to charitable organizations like Oxfam, UNICEF or Kiva. Some say that it is our moral obligation to help the poor and we must regularly donate as much as possible to help the world’s poor. Others are of the opinion that the money we give never ever goes to the poor and so the purpose of donation is not served actually. So we must not waste our money by giving it to charitable organizations.